Just take four writers and journalists of the Gazzetta di Parma, add the most famous Italian singer in South America, one of the greatest Italian contemporary painters, the creativity of the chef Andrea Nizzi and four beers of Birrificio del Ducato and you will have the recipe served to the guests of “Mangia come scrivi” (Eat as you write), the gastro-literary-pictorial festival designed and conducted by Gianluigi Negri.
Luigi Alfieri, Gabriele Balestrazzi, Davide Barilli and Claudio Rinaldi, accompanied by the parmesan artist Enrico Robusti and the musician Giancarlo Pioli from Fidenza (“El rubio loco”), were the protagonist of the third round of the event. To open the evening was Gabriele Balestrazzi, responsible for the website of the Gazzetta, with “Il Ducato 5 Stelle” (Fedelo’s editore); Negri then announced the book co-written by Claudio Rinaldi and Massimo Gualerzi: “Supersalute – 7 moves to lose weight, stay healthy, anti-aging” (Sperling &Kupfer). From the parmesan “revolution” has passed to the magic of Cuba, through the eyes of one of the most appreciated Italian writers in the Caribbean island: David Barilli.
To round off the evening was “Sun and Snow” (Fermoeditore), the last effort by Luigi Alfieri. The confetti of Luigi’s child life were told by the author-protagonist while on the screen were flowing “stories-in-the-story” drawn by Enrico Robusti. “I wanted to describe the life of a child who became an adult – said Alfieri – but also the nature that changes throughout the year. In the frenzy of today we lost the pleasure of contact with nature”. Robusti explained how he created the illustrations in the book. The next round of “Eat as you write” will be on May 10th with “M like Mystery”: Loriano Macchiavelli, Marco Malvaldi and Gianni Mura will close the festival at the restaurant “I 12 Monaci” in Fontevivo. A reservation is required (Tel.0521 610010).