Lisbon nostalgic and romantic city? Yes, but not only: there is also much design to discover. For example in LX Factory, which offers a mix of activities spread over 23000 square meters with trendy bars, craft shops, design workshops and cutting-edge creatives, offices and co-working spaces, libraries, startups, restaurants, nightclubs and cafes, as well as areas that hosts a multitude of workshops and cultural activities. Veritable creative hothouse, LFX is located in the waterfront district of Alcantara, in the area of the old docas, right below the bridge named after the revolution of April 25th.
LX (pronounced “el shish”) is the acronym used by Lisbon inhabitants – Lisboetas – to identify their city; the factory covers an area dated 1846, created by Companhia de Fiação e Tecidos Lisbonense and later occupied by companies such as Companhia Industrial de Portugal e Colònias or the typography Anuàrio Comercial de Portugal e Gràfica Mirandela: a sort of city within a city, remained hidden for years and given a new life since 2008.
Today we might define this example of industrial archeology optimally recovered as a “creative island”, occupied by companies and professionals, which hosts events and companies in the fields of fashion, advertising, communication, multimedia, art, architecture, music; you can also follow yoga, dance, sewing classes and more. Just to give an excellent example, the former Gràfica Mandela became Ler Devagar, a library with a unique style in the world with a lot of old presses and machinery out of use integrated in furnishings. Many clubs and small restaurants, often inspired by new trends in recycling and eco-friendly, and the best chocolate cake in Lisbon (according to Time Out) is eaten right at LFX, at Landeau, pastry shop of simple elegance.
Deeper in LFX every step leads to new discoveries, roads lead to always new and amazing corners; the impression is that of being in a sort of village “where it becomes possible to act, to think, to produce ideas and products in a place that is everything for everyone”. The atmosphere is more lively on Sunday, when the streets are full of stalls with vintage items, clothing, shoes, handmade products – including food. At night LX Factory is transformed into a stage with live music and rave, frequented by international artists.
Each year LXF organizes an open day full of activities, including exhibitions, food tasting, concerts and show, a real feast non to be missed.