Bookstores have a quality that is missing in other stores: the welcome ability. The passionate reader certainly buys even online, but nothing will ever take away the pleasure to browse among the shelves, be attracted by the covers, steal some phrase flipping through the beloved paper. It is a never-ending love. The library is made up of tangible matter (exhibition space) and intangible: the atmosphere, the reader’s attention and the quality of answers or advice, when required, depend on human beings. And therein lies the difference between the standard libraries and the “right” ones.
A good example is to be found in Parma, at Euro Torri: the Mondadori bookstore. Far from being the typical aseptic selles in a shopping center, the bookstore directed by Ferrari brothers goes from the most commercial to the most sophisticated or rare proposals, not to mention the eReaders and various objects. Assistance is friendly and accurate, to give a personal touch to the atmosphere there are some particular shelves, custom created by a sculptor and the images – thanks to photo exhibit regularly organized – enriches the visit with suggestions.
Not missing the presentations of books: in particular, is about to start the collaboration with Fermoeditore that will organize a series of events focusing on works from collections made by the publisher. The day chosen for the meetings is Friday at 18.15 once a month (except March, where the events will be two). Hence the title “Metti il venerdì da Mondadori” (Imagine a Friday in Mondadori), which is proposed as a convivial moment to close the week among fans of the books. After each presentation, the audience will be welcome guest of the “hosts” Carlo Ferrari and Fermo Tanzi, for a drink with friends and some talks with authors.
Inaugurating the event will be “Sun and snow”, the book by Luigi Alfieri illustrated by the painter Enrico Robusti, on 1st March at 18.15. In addition to the authors will be present Paolo Briganti and Mirella Cenni, who will read excerpts from the book. Obviously at the Libreria Mondadori, Euro Torri Shopping Center (Piazza Balestrieri 2/A, Parma – Phone 0521-271600). Next meeting will be on the 22nd of March, with the presentation of the ironic “La Scomparsa della Cucina”, a book by Giovanni Ballarini illustrated by Cecilia Mistrali.