Adoption. A true act of love towards people, animals, (ideologically) causes and, with the proper proportions, to our language. If you have never thought it was possible to take care of a word, something that we use daily and without which we would be lost, you will change idea. The Dante Alighieri Society, who care and study our language, in fact, promoted the campaign “Adopt a word” which was created in 2010 and relaunched now (thanks to a new initiative of Dante which will be discussed in the next issue of Fermomag ed) to this day it has “saved” more than 30 thousand words. But how do you adopt and how you keep a word alive? We just talked with dr. Arcangeli.
Where did it come the idea for “Adopt a word” project?
The idea was to revive the little-used words in our language, words that maybe young people do not even know. With social networks, ordinary people and celebrities, the magazine IO Donna partners of the project, we saved more than thirty thousand words. It is an idea born in Spain that we have taken willingly assigning it especially to young people.
How to adopt and keep alive a word?
Everyone is free to choose, for various reasons, the term they prefer, if it is free, and he becomes the sole caretaker, and if you want you can motivate the choice of the word. So begins a journey that lasts a year and expects that this person “accompany” and follow the word during this period of time noticing and informing us, if you see it written or hear, if he studies it or disclose it. We keep a sort of balance of the work and in a couple of months after the end of the year, if it had not been done enough, we do notice and we urge the caretaker to engage more in the course of treatment. In the case where the commitment was not yet sufficient that word is subtracted and rendered free, so as to be available again. If, otherwise, the balance is positive, the word will remain in his caretaker who maybe find new ideas and “food” to keep her alive.
Can you give us some examples?
There are those who transcribes it, others photographing it around the world, there are those who commonly use it in their own language helping to publicize it, or who, as teachers, are working on studying it, in short, everyone is free to do as they wish, there are no limits.