Two friends, two destinies.
Alan is an internationally known geologist: University teacher, he would rather be working “on the field” and live a thousand adventures of his childhood dreams. Thomas became a Director, just as he has always desired, but works for television: nothing to do with his legendary director, Steven Spielberg. Both of them when they were children shared a dream, Alaska, a source of inspiration for the creation of a small film. It is the old film that will bring the two friends together after many years, re-discovering a friendship and themselves.
This, in short, is the plot of “Dreaming Alaska”, first feature film – in the post production phase – of Emanuele Valla. According to the screenwriter, D’Ambrosio, Dreaming Alaska talks about “the fear, the fear of taking the first step out the door, preferring a tangible reality, although not entirely satisfactory, the chance of getting in the game compared to something that better represents us.” The project aims at creating a new genre: the dramential, mix of reflection/drama and comedic demented moments, played so that the two extremes exalt each other.
Emanuele Valla – young filmmaker from Parma already known in the musical theatre – long wished to get involved in the film industry, his great love. “This has become possible thanks to these eight years of meetings, exchanges of ideas and sharing passions, that for example in 2007 saw our dear friend and schoolmate of a thousand adventures, Gian Marco Schiaretti, become Mercutio of “Romeo and Juliet” of Cocciante and opened the show at the Arena of Verona, meeting important artists such asTania Tuccinardi, Fabrizio Voghera, Gaetano Caruso. The synergy and passion stemming from the first meeting regarding the project was extraordinary. In 2003 I ran to grab an autograph and a photograph of Fabrizio Voghera, and to think of having directed him in my movie is… pure magic”.
For the soundtrack Emanuele searched the web to hunt for songs and artists, looking for real rarities. To finance the film’s music he launched a collection in the crowd funding community entitled, “Produzioni dal Basso”, while independent labels or artists excited about the project collaborated despite the classification as “zero budget”. Even the Irish singer-songwriter, Owen Gerrard was involved, as well as the Passo Carrabile; the original music is arranged by Vito Lafiandra, and some of the lyrics are composed by Emanuele Valla himself.
More than 100 people participated in “Dreaming Alaska”: a project created with in-depth feelings, different from others “because we watch films for dreamers, and that is what our film was supposed to be. A dramedy for anyone who has kept a dream locked up for too long and feels it gnawing inside. A film about friendship, about starting from scratch … about living life for the great gift that it is.”
The film will be presented in Parma this Spring. Then, off with the festivals, in particular the American ones, which are “increasingly rich and inspiring”.
Emanuele Valla’s musicals website