Recent spread of food trend, that of artisan breweries, but many of them have already achieved a certain notoriety and high levels of excellence. Among these are four brands of Parma.
From Cantine Ceci, known for their wines, comes the Birra of Parma, three proposals: Gold, Bronze and Camou. Contained in bottles refined, Gold and Bronze beers are unfiltered, unpasteurized, fermented in the bottle with the yeast of lambrusco. Particular the Camou, blonde that comes in camouflage bottle with recognition plate; created in collaboration with the Birrificio del Borgo in Rieti, it is made with 30% Senatore Cappelli wheat, awned durum wheat that has never undergone genetic alterations. Camou comes from camouflage, the so fashionable “mimetic”.
More style for Toccalmatto brewery that with the motto “Enjoy the Madness!” presents his Live Beers, each one with its own beautiful “temper” got it working on the techniques of hopping, using ingredients worked on their own (such as the smoked malt) and selected yeast strains. This brewery focuses on the testing of new and variety of different geographical origin, to create products a little outside the box. Toccalmatto beers are top-fermented, re-fermented both in the bottle and in the cask.
Bet on Design “32 via dei Birrai”, first Italian artisan micro brewery certified 100% Made in Italy. 32 Via dei Birrai propose itself as “a new language” that decontextualize the usual concept of beer and “becomes design worn by a bottle”. Thirty-two is the number corresponding to the class of the beer according to the International Classification of Nice that shows and categorizes products and services. The brand is a reinterpretation of brew maker style, and wants to change the way we perceive the beer opening it up to complementary words.
Finally we come to the Birrificio del Ducato: born in 2007, is today the most award-winning Italian micro brewery in the world. From Roncole Verdi, in the Parma lowlands, the birthplace of Giuseppe Verdi and the land of matured cold cuts and sparkling wines, this brewery has won the first places in national and international competitions, and currently exports over 15% of his production. A new line of quality artisan beers unfiltered and unpasteurized, for large-scale distribution, is named Bia (Birra Italiana Artigianale – Italian Artisan Beer), while in parallel continuing research on aging beers aged in barrels for an international clientele of experts and enthusiasts.