The entrance is at the rear, the palace is one of the most beautiful of Parma: residence of nobles, for many years home to Marina Burani’s atelier, and it is not enough… the big apartment and the lovely attic are also places of exposure – Alphacentauri gallery – where contemporary art events are put on when anywhere else in the city, are not cared about.
Marina, before taking me between paintings and drawings, tells me of a new revelation, the one of the “intelligent mountain”, a silent natural force but able to communicate with power, which observes humanity from its peaks, without participating and aware that it will remain silent, impressive and equal to itself for a time almost eternal.
And all at once artist’s poetics is clear: its center is nature, whether mineral, vegetable, animal or human world, it is always the veneration for the physicality, for the exterior and the interior bodies, for the mutations they undergo, for the transformations they are capable of. Burani Marina has a spontaneous visionary dream that brings her closer to the great surrealists – the work of the eighties owes a lot to Max Ernst – combined with an academic precision in design: the qualities that allow you to create hybrids, to represent monstrous mutations as disturbing, but also fascinating and sensual.
The origin, however, the classic one, both in the rendering of the image and in the thought, and begins from ancient Latin, it is developed through a Gothic atmosphere, to arrive at an absolutely contemporary context. Examples are black mirrors, surfaces of self-representation, and then crosses (also black), skulls and Wunderkammer scattered in glass cases, where objects are mixed in a meaningful combination and that binds to double strand with the works on the walls.
The conversation at some point undergoes an unexpected turn: telling of her literary myths – Cioran, Karen Blixen, the tales by Andersen – Marina opens the drawers of an old cabinet and shows me his notebooks: real artist’s books made of poetry and image, perfect sketches that establish a dialogue with the “I will not”, based on poems and other thoughts about anxieties of today and yesterday.
Experimenter, almost alchemist who transforms figures and objects, interpreter of poetry, Marina Burani promises to reveal to me other materials, other researches, other fascinations of a personal vision of nature, which climbs mountains and creeps without shame inside anatomies.
Marina Burani will participate in the exhibition at the gallery Hangart in Pavia (28th September to 10th November 2013).